  • 28 2020 / 06

    source:同天机械    read:1614

      When we buy goods in supermarkets, we often find such problems: for example, the identification characters of the date of manufacture of a product are not printed clearly, and some of the identification characters printed on the product packaging are marked because the outer packaging is slightly worn. Drop. This situation prevents consumers from buying products with peace of mind, and can easily be copied by counterfeiters. At the same time, because of unclear markings, it is prone to product fleeing problems, which is a headache for manufacturers. Because ink jet printers may have unclear printing and easy to erase when printing logos, and some chemical inks are still polluted, the above problems often occur when manufacturers use this inkjet printer.
       Today's laser coding technology is not only a major change to traditional laser marking, but also has a higher laser marking speed. Compared with inkjet printers, laser printers do not need to clean the nozzles and frequently replace consumable parts. It is more environmentally friendly than using inks, and it can also greatly save operating costs. The marking effect of the inkjet printer is clearer, and it will not be affected by long-term storage. wipe. His emergence has effectively solved the problem of commodity fleeing due to unclear markings, and is currently a relatively cost-effective and effective coding solution. The laser printer has stable performance, high reliability, fast speed, low power consumption, small size, and a wide range of applications. It can be used in electronic components, handicrafts, leather, ceramics, glasses, glass, buttons, paper, plastics, etc. The laser printer has been widely used in many industries abroad.